
12 layer FPC Flexible PCBs Quick Turn Prototype Factory bakeng sa Medical Defibrillator

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Mofuta oa sehlahisoa: 12 layer FPC Flexible PCBs
Lisebelisoa:Medical Defibrillator
Bophara ba mela le sebaka sa mela: 0.075mm/0.06mm
Botenya ba boto: 0.4mm
Bonyane Aperture: 0.1mm
Botenya ba Koporo: 12um
Ho satalla: Leqephe la tšepe
Kalafo ea Bokaholimo: Khauta ea ho qoelisoa
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Tšebeletso ea Capel:
Ts'ehetso ea Custom 1-30 Layer FPC Flexible PCB,2-32 Layer Rigid-Flex Circuit Boards,1-60 Layer Rigid PCB,E tšepahalang Phetoha ka Potlako ea PCB Prototyping,Seboka sa SMT PCB se potlakileng

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Sesebelisoa sa Bongaka, IOT, TUT, UAV, Lifofane, Likoloi, Likhokahano tsa Mohala, Consumer Electronics, Sesole, Aerospace, Taolo ea Indasteri, Intelligence ea Maiketsetso, EV, joalo-joalo…

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

Ke joang Capel's 12 Layer FPC Flexible PCBs ea Quick Turn Prototype Factory e Fanang ka Litharollo tse Tšepahalang bakeng sa baetsi ba Medical Defibrillator

-Capel o na le lilemo tse 15 tsa boiphihlelo ba botekgeniki-

Re hlahisa boqapi ba rona ba morao-rao lefapheng la liboto tsa potoloho tse hatisitsoeng (FPC) - 12-layer FPC flexible PCB. E etselitsoe ho finyella litlhoko tse khethehileng tsa indasteri ea defibrillator ea bongaka, li-PCB tsena tse tenyetsehang li fana ka ts'ebetso e ikhethang le nako e telele, e leng se etsang hore e be khetho e phethahetseng bakeng sa kopo leha e le efe ea bohlokoa ea lisebelisoa tsa bongaka.

12-layer FPC ea rona e na le bophara ba mela le sebaka sa mela ea 0.075mm/0.06mm, e fana ka ho nepahala ho hlokahalang bakeng sa moralo o rarahaneng oa potoloho. Sena se tiisa phetisetso e nepahetseng ea matšoao le tšitiso e fokolang, ho netefatsa ho nepahala le ho ts'epahala ha li-defibrillator tsa bongaka maemong a bohlokoa a pholosang bophelo.

Botenya ba boto ba 0.4mm bo netefatsa hore FPC ea rona ea 12-layer e tšesaane, e bobebe ebile ea tenyetseha. Sena se etsa hore lisebelisoa tsa bongaka li kopane, li nkehe, 'me ho be bonolo ho li sebetsa le ho li tsamaisa. Ho feta moo, boholo ba bonyane ba 0.1mm bo nolofalletsang potoloho e matla haholo ntle le ho senya ts'ebetso.

FPC ea rona ea mekato e 12 e na le botenya ba koporo ba 12um ho fihlela ts'ebetso e ntle haholo ha e ntse e boloka maemo a bonolo. Sena se tiisa khokahanyo ea motlakase e ka tšeptjoang le e tsitsitseng, e leng ea bohlokoa bakeng sa ts'ebetso e nepahetseng ea li-defibrillator tsa bongaka. Ho feta moo, tšebeliso ea lipoleiti tsa tšepe e le lintho tse matlafatsang e eketsa matla a mochini le ho satalla, ho lumella FPC ho mamella maemo a thata.

12 layer FPC Flexible PCBs ka potlako Fetola Prototype Factory bakeng sa Medical Defibrillator

Bakeng sa ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso le bophelo ba ts'ebeletso ea FPC ea mekato e 12, ba kene kalafong ea ho qoelisoa ka khauta. Kalafo ena ea holim'a metsi e sireletsa mohala ho tloha ho oxidation le corrosion, ho netefatsa ho tšepahala ha nako e telele ea defibrillator ea bongaka. Ntle le moo, kalafo ea ho qoelisoa ka holim'a khauta e fana ka solderability e ntle, e etsa hore ho be bonolo ho kopanya le ho kopanya likarolo.

FPC ea rona ea 12-layer e entsoe ka hloko 'me e sebelisoa ka ho khetheha ho finyella litlhoko tse thata tsa indasteri ea defibrillator ea bongaka. Re sebelisa mekhoa e tsoetseng pele ea tlhahiso le mehato ea ho laola boleng ho netefatsa boemo bo phahameng ka ho fetisisa ba botšepehi le botšepehi ba sehlahisoa.

K'hamphaning ea rona, re na le lilemo tse fetang 15 tsa phihlelo ea morero, e leng se etsang hore re be molekane ea ka tšeptjoang le ea ka tšeptjoang lefapheng la tlhahiso ea PCB e tenyetsehang. Re sebetsa ka thata ho fana ka li-prototype tsa PCB tse potlakileng le tse tenyetsehang, ho lumella bareki ba rona ho netefatsa meralo ea bona kapele le ho fokotsa nako ea ho rekisa. Sehlopha sa rona sa litsebi se ikemiselitse ho fana ka lihlahisoa tsa boleng bo holimo le litšebeletso tse ikhethang tsa bareki.

Ntle le lits'ebetso tsa indasteri ea defibrillator ea bongaka, PCB ea rona e feto-fetohang ea 12-layer FPC e boetse e loketse lihlahisoa tse fapaneng tsa elektronike tsa bareki. Ho ikamahanya le maemo le ho tšoarella ha tsona ho li etsa hore e be tse loketseng li-smartphones, matlapa, lintho tse ka roaloang le tse ling. Ka ts'ebetso ea eona e phahameng, FPC ea rona ea 12-layer e netefatsa ts'ebetso e se nang sekoli le e tšepahalang ea lisebelisoa tsena tsa elektroniki tsa bareki.

Ka kakaretso, PCB ea rona ea 12-layer FPC flexible PCB ke tharollo e phethahetseng bakeng sa ho batla likopo indastering ea defibrillator ea bongaka. Li-FPC tsena li fana ka ts'ebetso e nepahetseng le ho ts'epahala ka ho nepahala ha tsona, ho tenyetseha le ho tšoarella. Ha re kopanya lilemo tse 15 tsa boiphihlelo ba projeke le lits'ebeletso tsa prototyping tsa PCB tse feto-fetohang kapele, re ikemiselitse ho fana ka lihlahisoa tsa maemo a holimo le khotsofalo e ikhethang ea bareki. Tšepa boitseanape ba rona 'me u khethe PCB ea rona e tenyetsehang ea 12-layer FPC bakeng sa sesebelisoa sa hau sa bohlokoa sa bongaka le litlhoko tsa lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki tsa bareki.

Capel Flexible PCB & Rigid-Flex PCB Mokhoa oa Ts'ebetso ea Matla

Sehlopha Bokhoni ba Ts'ebetso Sehlopha Bokhoni ba Ts'ebetso
Mofuta oa Tlhahiso FPC e le 'ngoe / Mekhahlelo e habeli FPC
Multi-layer FPC / Aluminium PCBs
Regid-Flex PCB
Layer Number 1-30 mekhahlelo FPC
2-32 layers Rigid-FlexPCB 1-60 layers Rigid PCB
HDI Boards
Max Manufacture size FPC e le 'ngoe ea 4000mm
Mekhahlelo e habeli FPC 1200mm
Mefuta e mengata ea FPC 750mm
Regid-Flex PCB 750mm
Insulating Layer
27.5um / 37.5/ 50um / 65/ 75um / 100um /
125um / 150um
Botenya ba Boto FPC 0.06mm - 0.4mm
Rigid-Flex PCB 0.25 - 6.0mm
Mamello ea PTH
± 0.075mm
Surface Finish Ho qoelisoa ka Khauta/ Ho qoelisoa
Silver/Gold Plating/Tin Plating/OSP
Stiffener FR4 / PI / PET / SUS / PSA/Alu
Semicircle Orifice Size Ka tlase ho 0.4mm Min Line Space/ bophara 0.045mm/0.045mm
Botenya Mamello ± 0.03 limilimithara Tšitiso 50Ω-120Ω
Botenya ba Koporo ea Foil 9um/12um/18um/35um/70um/100um Tšitiso
Mamello ea NPTH
± 0.05 limilimithara The Min Flush Width 0.80 limilimithara
Min Via Hole 0.1 limilimithara Phethahatsa
GB / IPC-650 / IPC-6012 / IPC-6013II /

Capel e etsa Boto ea Potoloho ea Rigid Flexible / Flexible PCB / HDI PCB e nang le boiphihlelo ba lilemo tse 15 ka botsebi ba rona.

Likarolo tse 2 tsa Fpc Pcb e nang le mahlakore a mabeli + Letlapa le Hloekileng la Nickel le kentsoeng ka Betring e Ncha ea Matla.

Likarolo tse 2 tse nang le mahlakore a mabeli Fpc Pcb

4 layers boto e tenyetsehang e thata

4-lara Rigid-Flex PCB

tlhaloso ea sehlahisoa03

8 lera HDI PCBs

Lisebelisoa tsa Teko le Tlhahlobo

tlhaloso ea sehlahisoa2

Teko ea microscope

tlhaloso ea sehlahisoa3

Tlhahlobo ea AOI


Teko ea 2D

tlhaloso ea sehlahisoa5

Teko ea Impedance

tlhaloso ea sehlahisoa6

Teko ea RoHS

tlhaloso ea sehlahisoa7

Flying Probe

tlhaloso ea sehlahisoa8

Horizontal Tester

tlhaloso ea sehlahisoa9

Ho Kobeha Teste

Capel e fa bareki tšebeletso ea PCB e hlophisitsoeng ka lilemo tse 15 tsa boiphihlelo

  • Ho ba le lifeme tse 3 tsa Flexible PCB&Rigid-Flex PCB, Rigid PCB, DIP/SMT Assembly;
  • Baenjineri ba 300+ Fana ka tšehetso ea tekheniki bakeng sa thekiso ea pele le ka mor'a thekiso inthaneteng;
  • 1-30 mekhahlelo FPC, 2-32 layers Rigid-FlexPCB, 1-60 layers PCB e thata
  • HDI Boards, Flexible PCB (FPC), Rigid-Flex PCBs, Multilayer PCBs, Single-sided PCB, Double-Sided Circuit Boards, Hollow Boards, Rogers PCB, rf PCB, Metal Core PCB, Special Process Boards, Ceramic PCB, Aluminium PCB , Kopano ea SMT & PTH, Tšebeletso ea Prototype ea PCB.
  • Fana ka ts'ebeletso ea Prototyping ea lihora tse 24 ea PCB, Mekhahlelo e Nyenyane ea liboto tsa potoloho e tla tlisoa ka matsatsi a 5-7, Tlhahiso ea 'Misa ea liboto tsa PCB e tla tlisoa ka libeke tse 2-3;
  • Liindasteri tseo re li sebeletsang: Lisebelisoa tsa Bongaka, IOT, TUT, UAV, Lifofane, Likoloi, Khokahano ea Mehala, Consumer Electronics, Sesole, Sefofane, Taolo ea Indasteri, Intelligence ea Maiketsetso, EV, joalo-joalo ...
  • Bokhoni ba rona ba Tlhahiso:
    Matla a tlhahiso ea FPC le Rigid-Flex PCBs a ka fihla ho feta 150000sqm ka khoeli,
    Bokhoni ba tlhahiso ea PCB bo ka fihla ho 80000sqm ka khoeli,
    PCB Ho kopanya bokhoni ho likarolo tse 150,000,000 ka khoeli.
  • Lihlopha tsa rona tsa baenjiniere le bafuputsi ba ikemiselitse ho phethahatsa litlhoko tsa hau ka ho nepahala le ka botsebi.
tlhaloso ea sehlahisoa01
tlhaloso ea sehlahisoa02
tlhaloso ea sehlahisoa03
Kamoo Capel e netefatsang ts'ebetso e phahameng le ho ts'epahala ha li-PCB tse thata-flex

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona