
8 Layers Rigid-Flex PCBs Ho hlahisa ka Hole-Hole bakeng sa Semela sa Khoebo

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Mohlala: 8 Layers Rigid-Flex PCBs With through-Hole

Sebaka sa Kopo: Setsi sa Khoebo

Mofuta oa FPC: 8 Layers Rigid-Flex Board e nang le Ka-Hole

Boholo ba Unit: 146 * 65mm

Boholo ba lesoba: 0.25mm

Sebopeho sa thepa: 1+2+1

(3 Layers Rigid Board+2 Layers Flex Board+3 Layers Rigid Board)

Botenya ba Boto bo Feletseng: 1.2mm

Qetello ea Bokaholimo: ENIG 2 U”

Soldermask: Botala

Silkscreen: E tšoeu

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa


Sehlopha Bokhoni ba Ts'ebetso Sehlopha Bokhoni ba Ts'ebetso
Mofuta oa Tlhahiso FPC e le 'ngoe / Mekhahlelo e habeli FPC
Mefuta e mengata ea FPC / Aluminium PCBs
Regid-Flex PCB
Layer Number 1-16 mekhahlelo FPC
2-16 mekhahlelo e Rigid-FlexPCB
HDI Boards
Max Manufacture size FPC e le 'ngoe ea 4000mm
Likarolo tsa Doulbe FPC 1200mm
Mefuta e mengata ea FPC 750mm
Regid-Flex PCB 750mm
Insulating Layer
27.5um / 37.5/ 50um / 65/ 75um / 100um /
125um / 150um
Botenya ba Boto FPC 0.06mm - 0.4mm
Rigid-Flex PCB 0.25 - 6.0mm
Mamello ea PTH
± 0.075mm
Surface Finish Ho qoelisoa ka Khauta/ Ho qoelisoa
Silver/Gold Plating/Tin Plat ing/OSP
Stiffener FR4 / PI / PET / SUS / PSA/Alu
Semicircle Orifice Size Ka tlase ho 0.4mm Min Line Space/ bophara 0.045mm/0.045mm
Botenya Mamello ± 0.03 limilimithara Tšitiso 50Ω-120Ω
Botenya ba Koporo ea Foil 9um/12um/18um/35um/70um/100um Tšitiso
Mamello ea NPTH
± 0.05 limilimithara The Min Flush Width 0.80 limilimithara
Min Via Hole 0.1 limilimithara Phethahatsa
GB / IPC-650 / IPC-6012 / IPC-6013II /

Re etsa li-PCB tsa Rigid-Flex tse nang le boiphihlelo ba lilemo tse 15 ka botsebi ba rona

tlhaloso ea sehlahisoa01

5 lera Flex-Rigid Boards

tlhaloso ea sehlahisoa02

8 lera Rigid-Flex PCBs

tlhaloso ea sehlahisoa03

8 lera HDI PCBs

Lisebelisoa tsa Teko le Tlhahlobo

tlhaloso ea sehlahisoa2

Teko ea microscope

tlhaloso ea sehlahisoa3

Tlhahlobo ea AOI


Teko ea 2D

tlhaloso ea sehlahisoa5

Teko ea Impedance

tlhaloso ea sehlahisoa6

Teko ea RoHS

tlhaloso ea sehlahisoa7

Flying Probe

tlhaloso ea sehlahisoa8

Horizontal Tester

tlhaloso ea sehlahisoa9

Ho Kobeha Teste

Tšebeletso ea Rōna ea Rigid-Flex PCBs

. Fana ka tšehetso ea tekheniki Pele ho thekiso le ka mor'a thekiso;
. Tloaelo ho fihla ho mekhahlelo e 40, 1-2days Phetoho e potlakileng ea prototyping, Theko ea likarolo, Kopano ea SMT;
. E fana ka lisebelisoa tse peli tsa Bongaka, Taolo ea Liindasteri, Likoloi, Lifofane, Lisebelisoa tsa Bareki, IOT, UAV, Lipuisano joalo-joalo.
. Lihlopha tsa rona tsa baenjiniere le bafuputsi ba ikemiselitse ho phethahatsa litlhoko tsa hau ka ho nepahala le ka botsebi.

tlhaloso ea sehlahisoa01
tlhaloso ea sehlahisoa02
tlhaloso ea sehlahisoa03
tlhaloso ea sehlahisoa1

kamoo 8 Layers Rigid-Flex PCBs ntlafatsang thekenoloji ka Commercial Plant

1. Botšepehi bo matlafalitsoeng: Li-PCB tse 8 tse Rigid-flex li tšepahala haholo hobane li na le likarolo tse fokolang le likhokahano ho feta li-PCB tse thata tse tloaelehileng. Sena se fokotsa kotsi ea tahlehelo ea mats'oao, ho hloleha ha khokahano le khatello ea mochini, ka hona ho eketsa ts'epo ea kakaretso ea lisebelisoa tsa semela sa khoebo.

2. Tšireletseho e ntlafetseng: 8 Layers Rigid-flex PCBs e etselitsoe ho mamella maemo a thata a ts'ebetso le libaka.
Lisebelisoa tse feto-fetohang tse sebelisoang mohahong oa eona, tse nang le likarolo tse matla le tse thata, li e lumella ho hanela ho thothomela, ho thothomela le ho kobeha, ho netefatsa nako e telele le ho tšoarella ha theknoloji ea limela tsa khoebo.

3. Ho boloka litšenyehelo: Le hoja litšenyehelo tsa pele tsa tlhahiso ea 8 Layers rigid-flex PCBs li ka 'na tsa e-ba holimo ho feta li-PCB tse tloaelehileng, li ka fana ka melemo ea ho boloka litšenyehelo ka nako e telele. Kakaretso ea litšenyehelo tsa beng ba litsamaiso tsa lifeme tsa khoebo tse sebelisang li-PCB tse thata-thata li ka fokotsoa ka lebaka la ho fokotsoa ha nako ea kopano le ho kenya, tlhokahalo e fokolang ea likhokahanyo kapa likhoele tse eketsehileng, le ts'epo e eketsehileng.

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4. Moralo o bolokang sebaka: 8 Layers Rigid-flex PCB e tsebahala ka moralo oa eona o kopaneng le o bolokang sebaka.
Ka ho felisa tlhokahalo ea li-connectors le lithapo tse eketsehileng, theknoloji ea fektheri ea khoebo e ka etsoa e nyenyane, e etsa hore e be e loketseng bakeng sa likopo moo sebaka se lekanyelitsoeng kapa miniaturization e hlokahalang.

5. Botšepehi bo ntlafetseng ba pontšo: Kaho ea multilayer le e thata-flex ea li-PCB tsena li thusa ho fokotsa lerata la motlakase le tšitiso, ka hona ho ntlafatsa botšepehi ba matšoao. Sena se bohlokoa ho theknoloji ea limela tsa khoebo, moo phetiso ea data e nepahetseng le e tšepahalang e leng bohlokoa bakeng sa ts'ebetso le taolo e nepahetseng.

6. Ho boloka sebaka: Boto e tsitsitseng-flex e kopanya melemo ea potoloho e thata le potoloho e feto-fetohang, e lumellang ho kopanngoa ha lihlopha tse ngata le likaroloana. Moralo ona o kopaneng o thusa ho boloka sebaka sa bohlokoa lisebelisoa tsa feme ea khoebo, e lumellang tšebeliso e ntle ea sebaka se fumanehang.

7. Ho tšepahala ho phahameng: 8 Layers Rigid-flex PCB e fana ka botšepehi bo phahameng ka lebaka la botšepehi ba eona ba sebopeho le ho fokotsa tšebeliso ea lihokelo le likhoele. Sena se fokotsa kotsi ea likhokahano tse hlephileng, tšitiso ea motlakase le lintlha tse ling tse ka bang teng tsa ho hloleha. Ho tšepahala ho ntlafetseng ho ka ntlafatsa ts'ebetso le ho fokotsa nako ea ho fokotseha ha mesebetsi ea limela tsa khoebo.

8. Botšepehi bo ntlafetseng ba pontšo: Li-PCB tse thata-thata li na le lihlopha tse ngata ho fana ka boleng bo ntlafetseng ba pontšo le ho fokotsa crosstalk.
Ba fana ka taolo e ntlafetseng ea ho itšireletsa le ho itšehla thajana pakeng tsa matšoao a fapaneng, ho ntlafatsa puisano le ho fokotsa tšitiso ea matšoao lits'ebetsong tsa limela tsa khoebo.

9. Ho tšoarella ho matlafalitsoeng: 8 Layers Rigid-flex PCBs e etselitsoe ho mamella maemo a thata a ts'ebetso a kang ho fetoha ha mocheso, ho thothomela le ho tšoha. Sena se eketsehile ho tšoarella ho tiisa ts'ebetso ea nako e telele ea lisebelisoa tsa khoebo ea khoebo, ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa tlhokomelo le ho theoha ha thepa.

10. Ho feto-fetoha ha maemo le ho feto-fetoha ha maemo: Karolo e feto-fetohang ea boto e thata-thata e lumella ho kobeha le ho phutha, e leng se loketseng bakeng sa likopo tse hlokang libopeho tse rarahaneng kapa tse sa tloaelehang. Ho feto-fetoha ha maemo le ho feto-fetoha ha maemo ho lumella lisebelisoa tsa limela tsa khoebo ho etsoa ka mefuta e sa tloaelehang, ho kenya letsoho lits'ebetsong tse sebetsang hantle le tse ntlafalitsoeng.

Rigid-Flex PCBs'application in Commercial Plant FAQ

1. Letlapa le thata-thata ke eng?
Rigid-flex PCB ke boto ea potoloho e hatisitsoeng e kopanyang li-substrates tse thata le tse tenyetsehang hore e be boto e le 'ngoe. E lumella ho kopanngoa ha likarolo le ho hokahanya likarolong tse thata le tse tenyetsehang, ho fana ka ho feto-fetoha ha maemo le ho tšoarella.

2. Melemo ea ho sebelisa Rigid-Flex semeleng sa khoebo ke efe?
Li-PCB tsa Rigid-flex li fana ka melemo e mengata lits'ebetsong tsa feme ea khoebo, ho kenyelletsa:
- Ho boloka sebaka: Li-PCB tse Rigid-flex li ka etsoa hore li kenelle libakeng tse thata, tse lumellang lisebelisoa tse nyane, tse kopaneng haholoanyane.
- Ho tšoarella: Motsoako oa li-substrates tse thata le tse tenyetsehang li li etsa hore li se ke tsa sisinyeha, li ts'oenyehile le khatello ea mocheso, li eketsa ts'epo ea tsona libakeng tsa feme.
- Phokotso ea boima ba 'mele: Li-PCB tse thata tse feto-fetohang li bobebe ho feta li-PCB tsa setso tse nang le likhokahanyo le likhoele, li fokotsa boima ba sesebelisoa ka kakaretso.
- Tšepahala e Ntlafetseng: Lihokelo tse fokolang le likhoele li bolela lintlha tse fokolang tsa ho hloleha, tse eketsang ts'epo le ho fokotsa tlhokomelo.
- Ho kengoa habonolo: Li-PCB tse Rigid-flex li ka etsetsoa ho kenya habonolo, ho fokotsa nako ea kopano le litšenyehelo.

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3. Likopo tse tloaelehileng tsa Rigid-Flex lifekthering tsa khoebo ke life?
Li-PCB tsa Rigid-flex li sebelisoa lits'ebetsong tse fapaneng ka har'a lifeme tsa khoebo tse kang:
- Lits'ebetso tsa Taolo: Li ka sebelisoa ho liboto tsa taolo le lits'ebetso tsa PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) bakeng sa ho beha leihlo le ho laola lits'ebetso tsa indasteri.
- Sebopeho sa mochine oa batho: Mapolanka a Rigid-flex a ka kopanngoa le li-skrini tsa ho ama le lisebelisoa tsa ho laola ho thusa ho sebelisana le k'homphieutha ea motho le ho laola fekthering.
- Sensing and Data Acquisition: Li ka sebelisoa ho li-sensor le lits'ebetso tsa ho fumana data ho beha leihlo le ho bokella lintlha ho li-parameter tse fapaneng joalo ka mocheso, khatello le phallo.
- Taolo ea makoloi: Maboto a rigid-flex a ka sebelisoa litsing tsa taolo ea makoloi ho fihlela taolo e nepahetseng le taolo ea liindasteri tsa indasteri.
- Sistimi ea mabone: Li ka kenyelletsoa lits'ebetsong tsa taolo ea mabone bakeng sa taolo e sebetsang le e ikemetseng ea mabone a fektheri.
- Sistimi ea puisano: Maboto a Rigid-flex a ka sebelisoa lisebelisoa tsa marang-rang le tsa puisano ho netefatsa khokahano e se nang moeli pakeng tsa lisebelisoa tse fapaneng le litsamaiso fekthering.

4. Na mapolanka a thata-thata a ka mamella maemo a thata a indasteri?
E, li-PCB tse thata-thata li etselitsoe ho mamella maemo a thata a indasteri. Li hanyetsana le ho feto-fetoha ha mocheso, mongobo, ho sisinyeha le khatello ea kelello ea mechine. Motsoako oa lisebelisuoa tse thata le tse tenyetsehang li fana ka ho tšoarella ho hlokahalang le ho tšepahala ho hlokehang bakeng sa lits'ebetso tsa limela tsa khoebo.

5. Na mapolanka a thata-thata a ka etsoa ho latela litlhoko tse khethehileng tsa feme?
E, li-PCB tse thata-thata li ka etsoa ho finyella litlhoko tse khethehileng tsa feme. Li ka etsoa hore li lumellane le lithibelo tse itseng tsa sebaka, ho amohela likarolo tse hlokahalang le likhokahano, le ho kopana le maemo a hlokahalang a ts'ebetso le ts'epo. Ho sebetsa le moetsi kapa moqapi oa PCB ea nang le phihlelo ho ka thusa ho etsa bonnete ba hore PCB e thata-flexible e loketse litlhoko tse khethehileng tsa semela sa khoebo.

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona