Liboto tsa potoloho tse hatisitsoeng tse feto-fetohang (FPCs) li fetola indasteri ea lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki, li fana ka menyetla e ke keng ea lekanngoa le menyetla ea moralo. Ha tlhoko ea lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki tse kopaneng le tse bobebe e ntse e hola, li-FPC li bapala karolo ea bohlokoa ho fana ka litharollo tsa meralo e ncha le e bonolo. Har'a mefuta e fapaneng ea li-FPC, li-PCB tse 2-layer tse tenyetsehang li hlahella ka lebaka la ho feto-fetoha ha tsona le ho sebetsa ha tsona liindastering tse fapaneng. Tataisong ena e felletseng, re tla hlahloba moralo le ts'ebetso ea prototyping ea li-PCB tse 2-layer tse tenyetsehang, re shebane le ts'ebeliso ea tsona, lisebelisoa, litlhaloso le liphetho tsa bokaholimo.
Mofuta oa Sehlahisoa:2-Layer Flexible PCB
PCB ea 2-layer flex, eo hape e tsejoang e le potoloho ea mahlakoreng a mabeli, ke boto ea potoloho e hatisitsoeng e nang le likarolo tse peli tsa conductive tse arohaneng ke lesela la dielectric le feto-fetohang. Tlhophiso ena e fana ka baqapi ka mokhoa o bonolo oa ho tsamaisa mesaletsa mahlakoreng ka bobeli a substrate, e lumellang ho rarahana ho hoholo le ts'ebetso. Bokhoni ba ho kenya likarolo ka mahlakoreng ka bobeli a boto bo etsa hore li-PCB tse 2-layer flex flex li loketse lits'ebetso tse hlokang sekhahla se phahameng sa likarolo le mathata a sebaka.
The versatility ea 2-layer flex PCBs etsa hore ba loketse bakeng sa mefuta e fapaneng ya dikopo liindasteri tse fapaneng. E 'ngoe ea likopo tse hlahelletseng tsa 2-layer flexible PCB ke lebaleng la lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki tsa likoloi. Ka indasteri ea likoloi, sebaka le ho boloka boima ba 'mele ke lintlha tsa bohlokoa,' me li-PCB tse 2-layer flex li fana ka phetoho ea ho finyella litlhoko tsena. Li sebelisoa lits'ebetsong tsa taolo ea likoloi, li-sensor, mabone, lits'ebetso tsa infotainment, le tse ling. Indasteri ea likoloi e itšetlehile ka ho tšoarella le ho tšepahala ha 2-layer flexible PCBs ho netefatsa ts'ebetso e tsitsitseng libakeng tse thata.
Ntle le lits'ebetso tsa likoloi, li-PCB tsa 2-layer flexible li sebelisoa haholo ho lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki tsa bareki, lisebelisoa tsa bongaka, sebaka sa sefofane le lisebelisoa tsa indasteri. Bokhoni ba bona ba ho ikamahanya le libopeho tse sa tloaelehang, ho fokotsa boima ba 'mele le ho eketsa ts'epahalo ho etsa hore e be tsa bohlokoa haholo lihlahisoa tse fapaneng tsa elektroniki.
Khetho ea lisebelisoa tsa 2-Layer Flexible PCB e bohlokoa ho khethollang tšebetso ea boto, ho tšepahala, le ho sebetsa ha eona. Lisebelisoa tsa mantlha tse sebelisitsoeng ho aha PCB ea 2-layer e tenyetsehang e kenyelletsa filimi ea polyimide (PI), koporo le likhomaretsi. Polyimide ke thepa ea substrate ea khetho ka lebaka la botsitso ba eona bo botle ba mocheso, ho feto-fetoha ha maemo le ho hanyetsa mocheso o phahameng. Copper foil e sebelisoa e le thepa ea conductive, e nang le conductivity e babatsehang le solderability. Lisebelisoa tse khomarelang li sebelisetsoa ho kopanya likarolo tsa PCB hammoho, ho netefatsa botsitso ba mochine le ho boloka botšepehi ba potoloho.
Bophara ba mela, sebaka sa mela le botenya ba boto
Ha ho etsoa 2-layer flexible PCB, bophara ba mela, sebaka sa mela le botenya ba boto ke lintlha tsa bohlokoa, tse amang ka ho toba tshebetso le tlhahiso ea boto. Bophara ba mela e tloaelehileng le sekheo sa mela bakeng sa li-PCB tse tenyetsehang tsa 2 li hlalositsoe e le 0.2mm/0.2mm, ho bonts'a bophara bo fokolang ba mesaletsa ea conductive le sebaka se pakeng tsa tsona. Litekanyo tsena li bohlokoa ho netefatsa botšepehi bo nepahetseng ba matšoao, taolo ea impedance, le soldering e tšepahalang nakong ea kopano. Ho feta moo, botenya ba boto ea 0.2mm +/- 0.03mm bo phetha karolo ea bohlokoa ho khethollang ho feto-fetoha ha maemo, ho kobeha radius le thepa ea mochine ka kakaretso ea 2-layer flex PCB.
Bonyane Bonyane ba Lesoba le Phekolo ea Bokaholimo
Ho fihlela boholo ba masoba bo nepahetseng le bo sa fetoheng ho bohlokoa molemong oa moralo oa PCB o feto-fetohang oa 2-layer, haholo-holo ho latela mokhoa oa miniaturization oa lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki. Bonyane bo boholo ba lesoba la 0.1 mm bo bonts'a bokhoni ba 2-layer flex PCBs ho amohela likaroloana tse nyane le tse petelitsoeng ka bongata. Ntle le moo, kalafo ea holim'a metsi e phetha karolo ea bohlokoa ho ntlafatseng ts'ebetso ea motlakase le ho solderability ea li-PCB. Electroless Nickel Immersion Gold (ENIG) e nang le botenya ba 2-3uin ke khetho e tloaelehileng bakeng sa li-PCB tse tenyetsehang tse 2 'me e fana ka khanyetso e ntle ea kutu, ho bata le ho solderability. Liphekolo tsa ENIG li na le molemo ka ho khetheha bakeng sa ho nolofalletsa likarolo tse hlakileng le ho netefatsa manonyeletso a tšepahalang a solder.
Impedance le Mamello
Lits'ebetsong tse potlakileng tsa dijithale le tsa analog, taolo ea impedance e bohlokoa ho boloka botsitso ba matšoao le ho fokotsa ho sotha ha matšoao. Leha ho sa fanoe ka litekanyetso tse khethehileng tsa impedance, bokhoni ba ho laola tšitiso ea 2-layer flex PCB bo bohlokoa ho fihlela litlhoko tsa ts'ebetso ea lipotoloho tsa elektroniki. Ntle le moo, mamello e hlalositsoe e le ± 0.1mm, e bolelang ho kheloha ho lumelletsoeng nakong ea ts'ebetso ea tlhahiso. Taolo ea mamello e matla e bohlokoa bakeng sa ho netefatsa ho nepahala le ho tsitsisa sehlahisoa sa ho qetela, haholo ha ho sebetsana le likarolo tse nyane le meralo e rarahaneng.
2 Layer Flexible PCB Prototyping process
Prototyping ke mohato oa bohlokoa ho nts'etsopele ea 2-layer flex PCB, e lumellang baqapi ho netefatsa moralo, ts'ebetso le ts'ebetso pele ba tsoela pele ho hlahisa ka botlalo. Ts'ebetso ea prototyping e kenyelletsa mehato e 'maloa ea bohlokoa, ho kenyelletsa netefatso ea moralo, khetho ea thepa, tlhahiso le liteko. Netefatso ea moralo e etsa bonnete ba hore boto e kopana le litlhoko tse boletsoeng le ts'ebetso, ha khetho ea thepa e kenyelletsa ho khetha substrate e loketseng, lisebelisoa tsa conductive le kalafo ea holim'a metsi ho latela litekanyetso tsa kopo le ts'ebetso.
Ho etsoa ha li-prototypes tsa 2-layer flexible PCB ho kenyelletsa ts'ebeliso ea lisebelisoa tse ikhethileng le lits'ebetso ho theha substrate e feto-fetohang, ho sebelisa lipaterone tsa conductive, le ho kopanya likarolo. Mekhoa e tsoetseng pele ea tlhahiso e joalo ka ho cheka ka laser, ho khetha plating le mokhoa o laoloang oa impedance o sebelisoa ho fihlela ts'ebetso e hlokahalang le litšobotsi tsa ts'ebetso. Ha prototype e se e entsoe, ho etsoa tlhahlobo e matla le ho netefatsa ts'ebetso ea motlakase, ho feto-fetoha ha maemo le ho ts'epahala tlas'a maemo a fapaneng a tikoloho. Maikutlo a tsoang sethaleng sa prototyping a thusa ho ntlafatsa le ho ntlafatsa moralo, 'me qetellong e fella ka moralo o matla le o ts'epahalang oa PCB ea 2-layer e tenyetsehang e itokiselitseng tlhahiso ea bongata.
2 Layer Flexible PCB - Moralo oa FPC le Ts'ebetso ea Prototyping
Ka kakaretso, li-PCB tsa 2-layer flex flex li emela litharollo tsa morao-rao bakeng sa moralo oa sejoale-joale oa lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki, tse fanang ka phetoho e ke keng ea bapisoa, ts'epo le ts'ebetso. Mefuta e mengata ea ts'ebeliso ea eona, lisebelisoa tse tsoetseng pele, litlhaloso tse nepahetseng le lits'ebetso tsa prototyping li etsa hore e be karolo ea bohlokoa indastering ea lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki. Ha thekenoloji e ntse e tsoela pele ho fetoha, li-PCB tse tenyetsehang tse 2 ntle le pelaelo li tla bapala karolo ea bohlokoa ho nolofatseng lihlahisoa tse ncha tsa elektroniki tse fihlelang litlhoko tsa lefatše la kajeno le hokahaneng. Ebang ke ho likoloi, lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki tsa bareki, lisebelisoa tsa bongaka kapa sefofane, moralo le prototyping ea 2-layer flexible PCBs li bohlokoa bakeng sa ho tsamaisa leqhubu le latelang la mahlale a elektroniki.
Nako ea poso: Feb-23-2024