Lekola theknoloji ea PCB e tsoetseng pele e thata-thata bakeng sa mechini ea X-ray. Capel e fana ka tharollo ea boleng bo holimo ea PCB bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa X-ray.
Phetoho ea Mechini ea X-ray: Karolo ea Li-Rigid-Flex Boards le li-PCB tse Flexible ho Theknoloji ea Bongaka.
Lefapheng le ntseng le tsoela pele la theknoloji ea bongaka, ho na le tlhokahalo e ntseng e eketseha ea mechine ea X-ray ea boleng bo phahameng, e nepahetseng haholo. Ha tlhokahalo ea lisebelisoa tse tsoetseng pele tsa tlhahlobo e ntse e eketseha, ho joalo le ka tlhokahalo ea likarolo tse hahang tse ka ntlafatsang ts'ebetso le ts'ebetso ea mechini ena. E 'ngoe ea likarolo tsa bohlokoa ke boto ea potoloho e hatisitsoeng (PCB), e phethang karolo ea bohlokoa ho sebetsa hantle le ho nepahala ha mochini oa X-ray. Ho blog ena, re tla shebisisa phello ea phetoho e thata-flex-flex le flexible PCBs e bile le eona ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea mechine ea X-ray, le kamoo Capel Prototypes and Fabrication, moetsi ea ka sehloohong ea nang le phihlelo ea lilemo tse 16. e etellang pele ka ho fana ka litšebeletso tsa ho iketsetsa. Litharollo tsa X-Ray Machine PCB Planning.
Phetoho ea phello ea li-PCB tse thata-flex le tse tenyetsehang ho theknoloji ea mochini oa X-ray
Li-PCB tse thata tse feto-fetohang le tse tenyetsehang li fetohile tse fetolang papali theknolojing ea mochini oa X-ray. Liboto tsena tse tsoetseng pele tsa potoloho li fana ka motsoako o ikhethang oa ho feto-fetoha ha maemo le ho tšoarella ho ka kopanngoang ka mokhoa o tsitsitseng ho meralo e rarahaneng ea mechine ea X-ray. Bokhoni ba ho koba le ho lumellana le sebōpeho sa mochine o lumella hore ho be le mokhoa o tsitsitseng haholoanyane le o sebetsang hantle, qetellong o ntlafatsa tshebetso ka kakaretso. Ha tlhoko ea miniaturization ea lisebelisoa tsa bongaka e ntse e eketseha, liboto tse thata-thata le li-PCB tse tenyetsehang li fana ka tharollo e nepahetseng ka ho ntlafatsa ts'ebeliso ea sebaka ntle le ho senya ts'ebetso.
Capel Prototyping le Manufacturing: Groundbreaking Innovation ho X-Ray Machine PCB Manufacturing.
Ho tloha ka 2009, Capel Prototypes and Fabrication esale e le pula-maliboho ea ho etsa li-PCB tse tenyetsehang le tse thata. Capel e sebetsa ka ho khetheha ho litharollo tsa tloaelo bakeng sa li-PCB tsa mochini oa X-ray mme e ntse e tsoela pele ho sutumelletsa meeli ea boqapi. Tsebo ea bona ea ho hlahisa 1-30 layer X-ray machine flexible PCBs le 2-32 layer X-ray machine rigid-flex PCBs e ba etsa molekane ea tšeptjoang bakeng sa lik'hamphani tse batlang litharollo tsa boleng bo phahameng, tse ka tšeptjoang tsa PCB. Ho phaella moo, bokhoni ba Capel ho kopano ea PCB ea mochine oa X-ray bo tiisa hore PCB e kopantsoe ka mokhoa o tsitsitseng sehlahisoa sa ho qetela, e ntse e tiisa botumo ba eona e le mofani oa litharollo tse feletseng.
Capel Prototyping le Tlhahiso: Ho Beha Maemo bakeng sa Litharollo tsa PCB tsa boleng bo holimo, tse tsamaellanang le PCB.
Capel Prototypes le Fabrication e fana ka lihlahisoa tse sa faneng feela ka ho nepahala ho phahameng le ho teteana empa hape li lumellana le litekanyetso tsa indasteri. Ka litifikeiti tse kang IPC 3, UL, le ROHS, hammoho le ISO 14001:2015, ISO 9001:2015, le IATF16949:2016, boitlamo ba Capel ho boleng le ho latela melao ha bo thekesele. Ho feta moo, ba fumane lipatente tse 36 tsa mohlala oa tšebeliso le litokelo tsa boqapi, tse bonts'ang ho phehella ha bona ho ncha le ho phehella ho sa feleng tsoelopeleng ea theknoloji. Ka ho ba le PCB e feto-fetohang le matla a thata-thata a fektheri ea PCB le kopano, Capel e tiisa taolo ea ho qetela ea ts'ebetso ea tlhahiso, ho fa bareki boleng bo phahameng le ho tšepahala.
Ho khanna Leqhubu le Latelang la Boqapi: Capel Prototyping le Manufacturing Impact ho Advanced PCB Technology bakeng sa X-Ray
Tšusumetso ea theknoloji e tsoetseng pele ea PCB phetohong ea mochine oa X-ray e ke ke ea khelloa fatše. Ha indasteri ea tlhokomelo ea bophelo e ntse e tsoela pele ho etelletsa pele ho nepahala le katleho ea lisebelisoa tsa tlhahlobo, karolo ea li-PCB ho nolofalletsa tsoelo-pele ena e ba ea bohlokoa le ho feta. Capel Prototypes and Fabrication Boitlamo bo sa thekeseleng ba ho fana ka litharollo tsa morao-rao bakeng sa li-PCB tsa mochini oa X-ray bo entse hore e be moetapele tšimong. E tsepamisitse maikutlo ho botsebi ba theknoloji le kutloisiso e tebileng ea litlhoko tse ikhethang tsa baetsi ba mechine ea X-ray, Capel e itokiselitse ho khanna leqhubu le latelang la mekhoa e mecha ea theknoloji ea litšoantšo tsa bongaka.
Phetolelo ea Theknoloji ea Mochini oa X-ray: Karolo ea Bohlokoa ea Motsoako o Rigid-Flex le Khokahano ea PCB e Flexible.
Ka bokhutšoanyane, ho kopanngoa ha li-PCB tse tsitsitseng le tse tenyetsehang ho ntlafatsa haholo ts'ebetso le ts'ebetso ea mechine ea X-ray, ho bula tsela bakeng sa bokhoni ba ho hlahloba bo nepahetseng le bo sebetsang. Boitseanape ba Capel Prototypes and Fabrication mabapi le ho etsa li-PCB tsa mochini oa X-ray, hammoho le litekanyetso tse tiileng tsa boleng le boitlamo ba boqapi, bo e etsa molekane ea tšeptjoang bakeng sa lik'hamphani tse batlang theknoloji e tsoetseng pele ea mochini oa X-ray. Ha tlhoko ea lisebelisoa tsa bongaka tse tsoetseng pele e ntse e hola, karolo ea li-PCB ho khanna tsoelo-pele ena ntle le pelaelo e tla lula e le bohlokoa, 'me Capel e ka pele leetong lena la phetoho.
Nako ea poso: May-18-2024